Beneficial Bacteria for Fish Tanks & API Quick Start

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Get Beneficial Bacteria for Your Fish Tank


‘Bacteria’ carries a fishy connotation a lot of the time, but what if we told you that beneficial bacteria were essential for your aquarium? In fact, when you infiltrate your aquarium with ‘good’ bacteria, you sometimes negate the need for a pond detoxifier or pond water ammonia detoxifier. So, how does a humble aquarium beneficial bacteria starter — such as API Quick Start — prevent the onset of ammonia? It does so in the same way probiotics foster gut health. Without helpful bacteria, the environment cannot process all incoming variables.




Breaking Down the Nitrogen Cycle

When you first set up a fish tank or pond, you need a bacteria starter so that you can populate your too-pure water. Without this population, there will be nothing to combat the ammonia inherent in fish food or fish waste — or, in other words, begin the nitrogen cycle. A natural process that occurs in all aquatic environments, the nitrogen cycle has two steps: the first is converting the ammonia from fish waste and food into less harmful substances, and the second is forming nitrate. If you haven’t gathered by now, this is a process you’ll want to encourage so long as you own an aquarium.


Bacteria starters for aquariums contain nitrifying bacteria that help kickstart the nitrogen cycle. Adding a product like API Quick Start to your fish tank introduces colonies of beneficial bacteria that quickly establish themselves on surfaces like filter media, substrate, and decorations. These bacteria begin the process of nitrification, converting toxic ammonia into nitrite and then into nitrate. By maintaining a healthy population of beneficial bacteria, you can prevent harmful spikes in ammonia and nitrite levels, which can stress or even kill fish. Regular water testing and the use of fish pond water conditioners can also help to keep water parameters in check.



Unleash Beneficial Bacteria for Ponds at Aquarium Kingdom!


Ready to take control of your aquarium’s nitrogen cycle and ensure a thriving aquatic ecosystem? Look no further than Aquarium Kingdom for all your fish pond supplies! When your beneficial bacteria are not working for your fish ponds as well as they could be, you can always clear things up with a fish pond water clarifier. Or, if your fish could do with some fortification, why not sprinkle some fish pond salt into the aquarium and watch them grow less green around the gills?



 Kick-Start Beneficial Bacteria Formation With a Bacteria Starter!


Don’t wait until ammonia and nitrate levels become a problem. Invest in bacteria starters so your aquatic pals can enjoy a happier, healthier habitat! Visit Aquarium Kingdom online to shop our range of bacteria starters and other essential fish pond supplies.

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